Reports API - Asynchronous
This set of APIs generates reports asynchronously. There are API’s for the organization, products and individual projects.
The type of report to be generated is set with the reportType parameter in each API.
Additional parameters available with some of the reportTypes can be included in the API request by using the optional filter parameter, as shown in the examples.
Note: Not only reports can be generated asynchronously. The
API request can be generated asynchronously to prevent timeouts in large organizations with many projects.
For details, see Licenses and Libraries API | Change Origin Library.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | generateOrganizationReportAsync | string | Yes |
orgToken | API key which is a unique identifier of the organization. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
reportType | OrgHistoryReport, OrgInventoryReport, OrgLicensesReport, OrgSourceFileInventoryReport, OrgClusterInventoryReport, OrgAlertsReport, OrgIgnoreAlertsReport, OrgResolvedAlertsReport, OrgSecurityAlertsReport, OrgLibrarySecurityAlertsReport, OrgVulnerabilityReport, OrgContainerVulnerabilityReport, OrgBugsReport, OrgMembersReport, OrgAttributesReport, OrgEffectiveLicensesReport, RiskReport, OrgInHouseReport, OrgLibraryLocationReport, PluginPolicyViolationReport, PluginRequestHistoryReport, ChangeLogReport, OrgLicenseAndComplianceAlertReport, OrgEarlyWarningsAlertReport, OrgEarlyWarningsReport, OrgEffectiveUsageAnalysisReport | string | Yes |
format | json, xlsx, xml, pdf (where xlsx is available, it is also the default) Not all formats are available for all report types. Refer to the synchronous counterpart of each report to see which formats are available for it. | string | Yes |
filter | Any additional parameters, as listed individually for each reportType on the synchronous reports page | object | No |
Request Example
"requestType" : "generateOrganizationReportAsync",
"orgToken" : "organization_api_key",
"userKey": "user_key",
"reportType": "OrgLibrarySecurityAlertsReport",
"format" : "json",
"filter" : {
"status": “active”
"asyncProcessStatus": {
"uuid": "36466e69-bda1-43d3-9962-6f3a341720b9",
"requestToken": "1231620fd0f8940c4bd03a866ef12cacd1599886073438",
"contextId": "244934",
"contextType": "DOMAIN",
"userEmail": "",
"messageContentSha1": "b480c892e59a2f05954ce727bd3f2a4e882f9e13",
"status": "PENDING",
"created": "2022-4-15 11:45:20",
"modified": "2022-4-15 11:45:20",
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | generateProductReportAsync | string | Yes |
productToken | API key which is a unique identifier of the product. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
reportType | ProductHistoryReport, ProductInventoryReport, ProductLicenseCompatibilityReport, ProductLicensesReport, ProductSourceFileInventoryReport, ProductClusterInventoryReport, ProductAlertsReport, ProductIgnoreAlertsReport, ProductResolvedAlertsReport, ProductSecurityAlertsReport, ProductLibrarySecurityAlertsReport, ProductVulnerabilityReport, ProductContainerVulnerabilityReport, ProductBugsReport, ProductMembersReport, ProductAttributesReport, ProductEffectiveLicensesReport, ProductDiffReport, RiskReport, ProductAttributionReport, ProductInHouseReport, ProductLibraryLocationReport, ProductLicenseAndComplianceAlertReport, ProductEarlyWarningsAlertReport, ProductEarlyWarningsReport, ProductSBOMReport | string | Yes |
format | json, xlsx, xml, pdf (where xlsx is available, it is also the default) > [!INFO] > Note: > * Not all formats are available for all report types. Refer to the synchronous counterpart of each report to see which formats are available for it. | string | Yes |
filter | Any additional parameters, as listed individually for each reportType on the synchronous reports page | object | No |
Request Example
"requestType" : "generateProductReportAsync",
"productToken" : "product_api_key",
"userKey": "user_key",
"reportType": "ProductAttributesReport",
"format" : "xlsx",
"filter" : {
"reportingScope": “licenses”,
"reportingAggregationMode": "BY_PROJECT"
"asyncProcessStatus": {
"uuid": "36466e69-bda1-43d3-9962-6f3a341720b9",
"requestToken": "1231620fd0f8940c4bd03a866ef12cacd1599886073438",
"contextId": "244934",
"contextType": "DOMAIN",
"userEmail": "",
"messageContentSha1": "b480c892e59a2f05954ce727bd3f2a4e882f9e13",
"status": "PENDING",
"created": "2022-4-15 11:45:20",
"modified": "2022-4-15 11:45:20",
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | generateProjectReportAsync | string | Yes |
projectToken | API key which is a unique identifier of the project. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
reportType | ProjectHistoryReport, ProjectInventoryReport, ProjectLicenseCompatibilityReport, ProjectLicensesReport, ProjectSourceFileInventoryReport, ProjectAlertsReport, ProjectIgnoreAlertsReport, ProjectResolvedAlertsReport, ProjectSecurityAlertsReport, ProjectLibrarySecurityAlertsReport, ProjectVulnerabilityReport, ProjectContainerVulnerabilityReport, ProjectBugsReport, ProjectMembersReport, ProjectDiffReport, RiskReport, AttributionReport, ProjectInHouseReport, ProjectLibraryLocationReport, ProjectLicenseAndComplianceAlertReport, ProjectEarlyWarningsAlertReport, ProjectEarlyWarningsReport, ProjectSBOMReport | string | Yes |
format | json, xlsx, xml, pdf (where xlsx is available it is also the default) Not all formats are available for all report types. Refer to the synchronous counterpart of each report to see which formats are available for it. | string | Yes |
filter | Any additional parameters, as listed individually for each reportType on the synchronous reports page | object | No |
Request Example
"requestType" : "generateProjectReportAsync",
"projectToken" : "project_api_key",
"userKey": "user_key",
"reportType": "ProjectInventoryReport",
"format" : "pdf",
"filter" : {
"reportingScope": “summary”,
"includeVersions": "true"
Response Example
"asyncProcessStatus": {
"uuid": "36466e69-bda1-43d3-9962-6f3a341720b9",
"requestToken": "1231620fd0f8940c4bd03a866ef12cacd1599886073438",
"contextId": "244934",
"contextType": "DOMAIN",
"userEmail": "",
"messageContentSha1": "b480c892e59a2f05954ce727bd3f2a4e882f9e13",
"status": "PENDING",
"created": "2022-4-15 11:45:20",
"modified": "2022-4-15 11:45:20",
SBOM Reporting
This is a new report type that collects the various options for SBOM reporting into a single API request based on scope (product or project).
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | generateProductReportAsync | string | Yes |
projectToken | API key which is a unique identifier of the product.. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
reportType | ProductSBOMReport | string | Yes |
standard | SPDX (case insensitive) CycloneDX (case insensitive) | string | Yes |
version | The SBOM standard version. The available values for SPDX: “2.2” (default) or “2.3”. For CycloneDX “1.4” (default) or “1.5”. | string | No |
format | SPDX: XML, YAML, JSON, TV, XLSX (case insensitive), CycloneDX: XML, JSON (case insensitive) | string | Yes |
maxDepthLevel | The depth in the dependency tree to include in the report. Where the top level is 0. > [!INFO] > Note: Only supported by the CycloneDX standard. | number | Default: 0 (top level only) |
includeVulnerabilities | A boolean parameter that controls whether or not to include vulnerabilities in the SBOM report. | boolean | No (Default: true) |
Request Example
"requestType": "generateProductReportAsync",
"productToken": "<productToken>",
"userKey": "<userKey>",
The response is the requested report file.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | generateProjectReportAsync | string | Yes |
projectToken | API key which is a unique identifier of the project. | string | Yes |
userKey | the ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
reportType | ProjectSBOMReport | string | Yes |
standard | SPDX (case insensitive) CycloneDX (case insensitive) | string | Yes |
version | The SBOM standard version. The available values for SPDX: “2.2” (default) or “2.3”. For CycloneDX “1.4” (default) or “1.5”. | string | No |
format | SPDX: XML, YAML, JSON, TV, XLSX (case insensitive), CycloneDX: XML, JSON (case insensitive) | string | Yes |
maxDepthLevel | The depth in the dependency tree to include in the report. Where the top level is 0. > [!INFO] > Note: Only supported by the CycloneDX standard. | number | default: 0 (top level only) |
includeVulnerabilities | A boolean parameter that controls whether or not to include vulnerabilities in the SBOM report. | boolean | No (Default: true) |
Request Example
"requestType": "generateProjectReportAsync",
"projectToken": "<projectToken>",
"userKey": "<userKey>",
"asyncProcessStatus": {
"uuid": "527cd6d7-74f9-4f3c-9a25-16e01550db86",
"requestToken": "24460c1f47b544f039804ef039762265d1678743921551",
"contextId": 1538167,
"contextType": "PROJECT",
"processType": "PROJECT_SBOM_REPORT",
"userEmail": "",
"messageContentSha1": "a830df5dcbee9d36045d9f2ec90496bd31a2cf30",
"status": "PENDING",
"created": "2023-03-13 21:45:21",
"modified": "2023-03-13 21:45:21"
The status of the requested report is checked using getAsyncProcessStatus. The status parameter will contain one of these four values:
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | getAsyncProcessStatus | string | Yes |
orgToken | API key which is a unique identifier of the organization. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
uuid | The UUID returned in the response from one of the “GenerateXXReportAsync” APIs | string | Yes |
Request Example
"requestType" : "getAsyncProcessStatus",
"orgToken" : "organization_api_key",
"userKey": "user_key",
"uuid": "36466e69-bda1-43d3-9962-6f3a341720b9"
"asyncProcessStatus": {
"uuid": "36466e69-bda1-43d3-9962-6f3a341720b9",
"requestToken": "1231620fd0f8940c4bd03a866ef12cacd1599886073438",
"contextId": "244934",
"contextType": "DOMAIN",
"userEmail": "",
"messageContentSha1": "b480c892e59a2f05954ce727bd3f2a4e882f9e13",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"created": "2022-4-15 11:45:20",
"modified": "2022-4-15 11:45:20",
Once the status of the report returns SUCCESS, the report is ready for download using the downloadAsyncReport API.
Note: All of the APIs and their responses in this article have the “uuid” flag as “uuid”, except for downloadAsyncReport, which calls for a “reportStatusUUID” instead of “uuid” value. This value is the same as the “uuid” value, the naming is just different.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | downloadAsyncReport | string | Yes |
orgToken | API key which is a unique identifier of the organization. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
reportStatusUUID | The UUID returned in the response from one of the “GenerateXXReportAsync” APIs | string | Yes |
Request Example
"requestType" : "downloadAsyncReport",
"orgToken" : {{orgToken}},
"userKey" : {{userKey}},
"reportStatusUUID" :{{asyncProcessStatus.uuid}}
The response is the requested report file.
The report is downloaded as a ZIP file that contains the actual report file.
For very large reports, multiple files will be included in the exported ZIP.