Licenses and Libraries API
This document showcases the API requests and responses for getting:
Licenses at the organization, product, or project-level
Licenses histogram (license name : occurrence) for a given organization, product or project
Text of licenses terms and conditions contained in a single zip file
Copyrights text file for a product or project
Notices text file for a product
Setting the text of a library’s notice
Locations of libraries in a product or project
Changing the library currently matched to source files
Get Licenses
This API request enables you to get all libraries and their licenses for a given organization, product or project.
Get Licenses - Organization
Get libraries and their licenses for an organization.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | API request type that returns an organization’s licenses per library. | string | Yes |
orgToken | API key which is a unique identifier of the organization. Used to identify the organization in plugins. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
excludeProjectOccurrences | “true” or “false” depending on whether or not you want to exclude project occurrences of the licenses. | boolean | No |
Request Example
"requestType" : "getOrganizationLicenses",
"userKey": "user_key",
"orgToken" : "organization_api_key",
Response Example (JSON)
"libraries": [
"keyUuid": "56a58812-b304-44f7-a589-1911ee10757c",
"keyId": 1,
"filename": "commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar",
"type": "Java",
"resolvedType": "Java",
"description": "BeanUtils provides an easy-to-use but flexible wrapper around reflection and introspection.",
"references": {
"url": "",
"issueUrl": "",
"pomUrl": "",
"scmUrl": ""
"directDependency": true,
"projects": [
"projectName": "Demo Data",
"projectToken": "5715a92ea3d345d29512481363d8f9751b87c8fb50c44c46a44e81e90e7407e6"
"sha1": "0c651d5103c649c12b20d53731643e5fffceb536",
"name": "Commons BeanUtils",
"artifactId": "commons-beanutils",
"version": "1.8.0",
"groupId": "commons-beanutils",
"licenses": [
"name": "Apache 2.0",
"spdxName": "Apache-2.0",
"url": "",
"references": [
"referenceType": "POM file",
"reference": ""
"copyrightReferences": [
"copyright": "Copyright 2000-2008 The Apache Software Foundation",
"startYear": "2000",
"endYear": "2008",
"author": "The Apache Software Foundation",
"textUrl": "/gri/app/reader/resource/content/asString/d549e4e9-ab82-4409-b19d-225c3e097be5"
Get Licenses - Product
Get libraries and their licenses for a specific product.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | API request type that returns a product's licenses per library. | string | Yes |
productToken | Unique identifier of the product. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
excludeProjectOccurrences | “true” or “false” depending on whether or not you want to exclude project occurrences of the licenses. | boolean | No |
Request Example
"requestType" : "getProductLicenses",
"userKey": "user_key",
"productToken" : "product_token",
Response Example (JSON)
"libraries": [
"keyUuid": "56a58812-b304-44f7-a589-1911ee10757c",
"keyId": 1,
"filename": "commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar",
"type": "Java",
"resolvedType": "Java",
"description": "BeanUtils provides an easy-to-use but flexible wrapper around reflection and introspection.",
"references": {
"url": "",
"issueUrl": "",
"pomUrl": "",
"scmUrl": ""
"directDependency": true,
"projects": [
"projectName": "Demo Data",
"projectToken": "5715a92ea3d345d29512481363d8f9751b87c8fb50c44c46a44e81e90e7407e6"
"sha1": "0c651d5103c649c12b20d53731643e5fffceb536",
"name": "Commons BeanUtils",
"artifactId": "commons-beanutils",
"version": "1.8.0",
"groupId": "commons-beanutils",
"licenses": [
"name": "Apache 2.0",
"spdxName": "Apache-2.0",
"url": "",
"references": [
"referenceType": "POM file",
"reference": ""
"copyrightReferences": [
"copyright": "Copyright 2000-2008 The Apache Software Foundation",
"startYear": "2000",
"endYear": "2008",
"author": "The Apache Software Foundation",
"textUrl": "/gri/app/reader/resource/content/asString/d549e4e9-ab82-4409-b19d-225c3e097be5"
Get Licenses - Project
Get libraries and their licenses for a specific project.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | API request type that returns a project's licenses per library. | string | Yes |
projectToken | Unique identifier of the project. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
Request Example
"requestType" : "getProjectLicenses",
"userKey": "user_key",
"projectToken" : "project_token"
Response Example (JSON)
"libraries": [
"keyUuid": "991af093-4fae-4683-aef6-5f033df9b6d3",
"keyId": 246,
"filename": "xmlpull-",
"type": "Java",
"resolvedType": "Java",
"references": {
"url": "",
"issueUrl": "",
"pomUrl": ""
"directDependency": false,
"projects": [
"projectName": "WST_464",
"projectToken": "29a15e6d3d7744c09a3b9975e4bd6d702da71f13a0ab434aadd6a27f4db07849"
"sha1": "2b8e230d2ab644e4ecaa94db7cdedbc40c805dfa",
"name": "XML Pull Parsing API",
"artifactId": "xmlpull",
"version": "",
"groupId": "xmlpull",
"licenses": [
"name": "Public Domain",
"url": "",
"references": [
"referenceType": "POM file",
"reference": ""
"copyrightReferences": []
Get Licenses Histogram
This API request enables you to get a licenses histogram for a given organization, product, or project.
Get Licenses Histogram - Organization
Get a histogram of licenses and their number of occurrences for an organization.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | API request type that returns a histogram of an organization’s licenses. | string | Yes |
orgToken | API key which is a unique identifier of the organization. Used to identify the organization in plugins. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
Request Example
"requestType" : "getOrganizationLicenseHistogram",
"userKey": "user_key",
"orgToken" : "organization_api_key"
Response Example (JSON)
The JSON response lists all the licenses and their number of occurrences in the specified organization. For example:
"licenseHistogram": {
"Unlicense": 4,
"GPL 3.0": 11,
"Apache 2.0": 331,
"Apache 1.1": 4,
"Mozilla 2.0": 1,
"Mozilla 1.1": 2,
"PIL Software License": 1,
"Suspected Proprietary": 1,
"GPL 2.0": 18,
"ICU License": 1,
"CC0": 4,
"BSD": 12,
"LGPL": 9,
"Academic 2.1": 1,
"Unspecified License": 19,
"CC BY 3.0": 1,
"ISC": 79,
"Common Public 1.0": 3,
"Oracle Binary (Java SE and JavaFX)": 1,
"Ruby": 5,
"Bouncy Castle License": 1,
"Eclipse 1.0": 31,
"Artistic 2.0": 2,
"CDDL 1.0": 4,
"CDDL 1.1": 27,
"Indiana University Extreme!": 3,
"Suspected Apache 2.0": 1,
"Unknown License": 26,
"Dom4j": 1,
"Custom": 1,
"Public Domain": 6,
"CDDL or GPLv2 with exceptions": 1,
"BSD 2": 22,
"BSD 3": 62,
"Python 2.0": 2,
"WTFPL": 2,
"LGPL 3.0": 4,
"LGPL 2.1": 55,
"MIT": 885,
"JTidy License": 1,
"Jacob": 1,
"GPL 2.0 Classpath": 18
Get Licenses Histogram - Product
Get a histogram of a product’s licenses and their number of occurrences.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | API request type that returns a history of a product’s licenses. | string | Yes |
productToken | Unique identifier of the product. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
Request Example
"requestType" : "getProductLicenseHistogram",
"userKey": "user_key",
"productToken" : "product_token"
Response Example (JSON)
The JSON response lists all the licenses and their number of occurrences for the specified product. For example:
"licenseHistogram": {
"Artistic 2.0": 2,
"Apache 2.0": 43,
"Unknown License": 3,
"Mozilla 2.0": 1,
"GPL 2.0": 3,
"BSD 2": 2,
"BSD 3": 6,
"BSD": 2,
"ISC": 1,
"LGPL 3.0": 1,
"MIT": 45,
"Ruby": 5,
"Jacob": 1
Get Licenses Histogram - Project
Get a histogram of a project’s licenses and their number of occurrences.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | API request type that returns a project’s licenses histogram. | string | Yes |
projectToken | Unique identifier of the project. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
Request Example
"requestType" : "getProjectLicenseHistogram",
"userKey": "user_key",
"projectToken" : "project_token"
Response Example (JSON)
The JSON response lists the licenses and their number of occurrences for the specified project. For example:
"licenseHistogram" : {
"Apache 2.0" : 2,
"BSD 3" : 2,
"GPL 3.0" : 1,
Get Licenses Text Zip File
This API request enables you to get the text of licenses terms and conditions contained in a single zip file, for a product or project.
Get Licenses Text Zip File - Product
Get a Licenses text zip file showing terms and conditions for a product.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | API request type that gets a License text zip file for a product. | string | Yes |
productToken | Unique identifier of the product. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
Request Example
"requestType" : "getLicensesTextZip",
"userKey": "user_key",
"productToken" : "product_token"
Response Format
The response is a zip file, not a JSON formatted message. It will have the following headers:
Content-Type = application/zip
Content-Disposition: attachment;
Get Licenses Text Zip File - Project
This API request enables you to get a Licenses text zip file showing terms and conditions for a project.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | API request type that gets a License text zip file for a project. | string | Yes |
projectToken | Unique identifier of the project. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
Request Example
"requestType" : "getProjectLicensesTextZip",
"userKey": "user_key",
"projectToken" : "project_token"
Response Format
The response is a zip file, not a JSON formatted message. It will have the following headers:
Content-Type = application/zip
Content-Disposition: attachment;
Get Copyrights Text File
This API request enables you to get a text file of all the Copyrights for a product or project.
Get Copyrights Text File - Product
Get a text file of all the Copyrights for a product.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | API request type that gets a Copyrights text file for a product. | string | Yes |
productToken | Unique identifier of the product. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
showCopyrightExtraDetails | If you manually change copyright for a given library, when the flag is set to true , it will return the name of the user who modified the copyright assignment, as shown in the Mend Application. | string | Yes, only in API v1.4 |
Request Example
"requestType" : "getCopyrightsTextFile",
"userKey": "user_key",
"productToken" : "product_token",
"showCopyrightExtraDetails": "true"
Response Format
The response will have the following headers:
Content-Type = text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment;
Get Copyrights Text File - Project
Get a text file of all the Copyrights for a project.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | API request type that gets a Copyrights text file for a project. | string | Yes |
projectToken | Unique identifier of the project. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
showCopyrightExtraDetails | If you manually change copyright for a given library, when the flag is set to true , it will return the name of the user who modified the copyright assignment, as shown in the Mend Application. | string | Yes, only in API v1.4 |
Request Example
"requestType" : "getProjectCopyrightsTextFile",
"userKey": "user_key",
"projectToken" : "project_token",
"showCopyrightExtraDetails": "true"
Response Format
The response will have the following headers:
Content-Type = text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment;
Get Notices Text File
This API request enables you to get a text file of all the Notices for a product.
NOTE: This request is available ONLY for products.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | API request type that gets a Notices text file for a product. | string | Yes |
productToken | Unique identifier of the product. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
Request Example
"requestType" : "getNoticesTextFile",
"userKey": "user_key",
"productToken" : "product_token"
Response Format
The response will have the following headers:
Content-Type = text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment;
Set Library Notices
This API request enables you to set a text value for a library’s notice.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | API request type that sets a library notice. | string | Yes |
orgToken | API key which is a unique identifier of the organization. Used to identify the organization in plugins. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
libraryUUID | Unique ID of the library in which you want to set the notice. | string | Yes |
text | Text of the library’s notice that you want to set. | string | Yes |
reference | Optionally, add library reference information to the notice. | string | No |
Request Example
"requestType": "setLibraryNotice",
"orgToken" : "org_token",
"userKey": "user_key",
"libraryUUID": "library_UUID",
"text": "text of the notice",
"reference": "additional library reference information"
Response Example
"message": "Successfully set notice"
Get Library Locations
This API request enables you to get the path locations of all libraries in a product or project.
Get Library Locations - Product
Get the path locations of the libraries in a product.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | API request type that gets the library locations for a product. | string | Yes |
productToken | Unique identifier of the product. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
Request Example
"requestType" : "getProductLibraryLocations",
"userKey": "user_key",
"productToken" : "product_token"
Response Example (JSON)
"libraryLocations" : [
"name" : "library_name",
"keyId" : key_id,
"keyUuid" : "key_uuid",
"locations": [
"path" : "library_location_1\library_name",
"matchType": "SHA1"
"path": "library_location_2\\library_name",
"matchType": "FILENAME"
Get Library Locations - Project
Get the path locations of the libraries in a project.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | API request type that gets the library locations for a project. | string | Yes |
projectToken | Unique identifier of the project. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
Request Example
"requestType" : "getProjectLibraryLocations",
"userKey": "user_key",
"projectToken" : "project_token"
Response Example (JSON)
"libraryLocations" : [
"name" : "library_name",
"keyId" : key_id,
"keyUuid" : "key_uuid",
"locations": [
"path" : "library_location_1\library_name",
"dependencyFile" : "home/ubuntu/GiHubRepos/Samples123/pom.xml"
"matchType": "SHA1"
"path": "library_location_2\\library_name",
"dependencyFile" : "home/ubuntu/GiHubRepos/Samples234/pom.xml"
"matchType": "FILENAME"
Get Source Library Info
This API enables users to retrieve a source library from the index.
Use-case: You can use this API to establish the keyUuid of the desired source library for re-mapping source files using the changeOriginLibrary API call.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | API request type that changes the origin library of your source files. | string | Yes |
orgToken | API key which is a unique identifier of the organization. Used to identify the organization in plugins. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
owner | The owner of the source library. | string | Yes |
name | The name of the source library. | string | Yes |
version | The version of the source library. | string | Yes |
host | The platform hosting the source library (e.g., “github”). | string | Yes |
downloadLink | The link to download the source library | string | No |
Request Example
"requestType" : "getSourceLibraryInfo",
"orgToken" : "<yourOrgToken>",
"userKey": "<yourUserKey>",
"downloadLink": ""
Response Example
"keyUuid": "key_Uuid",
"libraryName": "xerces-c-v1.0.0",
"url": ""
Change Origin Library
This API request enables you to change the library that is currently matched to the source files in your organization’s inventory.
NOTE: By default, the changeOriginLibrary
API runs synchronously. However, this API can also be generated asynchronously to prevent timeouts in large organizations with many projects.
Parameter | Description | Type | Required |
requestType | API request type that changes the origin library of your source files. | string | Yes |
orgToken | API key which is a unique identifier of the organization. Used to identify the organization in plugins. | string | Yes |
userKey | The ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend. | string | Yes |
runAsync | “true” or “false” depending on whether or not you want to run the API request asynchronously. | boolean | No |
targetKeyUuid | Unique ID of the library to which you want to change the source files. | string | Yes |
sourceFiles | An array of the source files to be moved. | array | Yes |
userComments | Optionally, add a comment to this action. | string | No |
Request Example
"requestType" : "changeOriginLibrary",
"userKey": "userKey",
"orgToken" : "orgToken",
"runAsync": "true",
"targetKeyUuid": "key-uuid-of-the-source-library-to-change-files",
"sourceFiles": ["sha1_1", "sha1_2"],
"userComments": "user-comments"
Response Example
"message": "Successfully changed origin library"