Licenses and Libraries API


This document showcases the API requests and responses for getting:

  • Licenses at the organization, product, or project-level

  • Licenses histogram (license name : occurrence) for a given organization, product or project

  • Text of licenses terms and conditions contained in a single zip file

  • Copyrights text file for a product or project

  • Notices text file for a product

  • Setting the text of a library’s notice

  • Locations of libraries in a product or project

  • Changing the library currently matched to source files

Get Licenses

This API request enables you to get all libraries and their licenses for a given organization, product or project.

Get Licenses - Organization

Get libraries and their licenses for an organization.


requestTypeAPI request type that returns an organization’s licenses per library.stringYes
orgTokenAPI key which is a unique identifier of the organization. Used to identify the organization in plugins.stringYes
userKeyThe ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend.stringYes
excludeProjectOccurrences“true” or “false” depending on whether or not you want to exclude project occurrences of the licenses.booleanNo

Request Example

	"requestType" : "getOrganizationLicenses",
     "userKey": "user_key", 
	"orgToken" : "organization_api_key",

Response Example (JSON)

    "libraries": [
            "keyUuid": "56a58812-b304-44f7-a589-1911ee10757c",
            "keyId": 1,
            "filename": "commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar",
            "type": "Java",
            "resolvedType": "Java",
            "description": "BeanUtils provides an easy-to-use but flexible wrapper around reflection and introspection.",
            "references": {
                "url": "",
                "issueUrl": "",
                "pomUrl": "",
                "scmUrl": ""
            "directDependency": true,
            "projects": [
                    "projectName": "Demo Data",
                    "projectToken": "5715a92ea3d345d29512481363d8f9751b87c8fb50c44c46a44e81e90e7407e6"
            "sha1": "0c651d5103c649c12b20d53731643e5fffceb536",
            "name": "Commons BeanUtils",
            "artifactId": "commons-beanutils",
            "version": "1.8.0",
            "groupId": "commons-beanutils",
            "licenses": [
                    "name": "Apache 2.0",
                    "spdxName": "Apache-2.0",
                    "url": "",
                    "references": [
                            "referenceType": "POM file",
                            "reference": ""
            "copyrightReferences": [
                    "copyright": "Copyright 2000-2008 The Apache Software Foundation",
                    "startYear": "2000",
                    "endYear": "2008",
                    "author": "The Apache Software Foundation",
                    "textUrl": "/gri/app/reader/resource/content/asString/d549e4e9-ab82-4409-b19d-225c3e097be5"

Get Licenses - Product

Get libraries and their licenses for a specific product.


requestTypeAPI request type that returns a product's licenses per library.stringYes
productTokenUnique identifier of the product.stringYes
userKeyThe ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend.stringYes
excludeProjectOccurrences“true” or “false” depending on whether or not you want to exclude project occurrences of the licenses.booleanNo

Request Example

	"requestType" : "getProductLicenses",
    "userKey": "user_key", 
	"productToken" : "product_token",

Response Example (JSON)

    "libraries": [
            "keyUuid": "56a58812-b304-44f7-a589-1911ee10757c",
            "keyId": 1,
            "filename": "commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar",
            "type": "Java",
            "resolvedType": "Java",
            "description": "BeanUtils provides an easy-to-use but flexible wrapper around reflection and introspection.",
            "references": {
                "url": "",
                "issueUrl": "",
                "pomUrl": "",
                "scmUrl": ""
            "directDependency": true,
            "projects": [
                    "projectName": "Demo Data",
                    "projectToken": "5715a92ea3d345d29512481363d8f9751b87c8fb50c44c46a44e81e90e7407e6"
            "sha1": "0c651d5103c649c12b20d53731643e5fffceb536",
            "name": "Commons BeanUtils",
            "artifactId": "commons-beanutils",
            "version": "1.8.0",
            "groupId": "commons-beanutils",
            "licenses": [
                    "name": "Apache 2.0",
                    "spdxName": "Apache-2.0",
                    "url": "",
                    "references": [
                            "referenceType": "POM file",
                            "reference": ""
            "copyrightReferences": [
                    "copyright": "Copyright 2000-2008 The Apache Software Foundation",
                    "startYear": "2000",
                    "endYear": "2008",
                    "author": "The Apache Software Foundation",
                    "textUrl": "/gri/app/reader/resource/content/asString/d549e4e9-ab82-4409-b19d-225c3e097be5"

Get Licenses - Project

Get libraries and their licenses for a specific project.


requestTypeAPI request type that returns a project's licenses per library.stringYes
projectTokenUnique identifier of the project.stringYes
userKeyThe ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend.stringYes

Request Example

	"requestType" : "getProjectLicenses",
    "userKey": "user_key", 
	"projectToken" : "project_token"

Response Example (JSON)

    "libraries": [
            "keyUuid": "991af093-4fae-4683-aef6-5f033df9b6d3",
            "keyId": 246,
            "filename": "xmlpull-",
            "type": "Java",
            "resolvedType": "Java",
            "references": {
                "url": "",
                "issueUrl": "",
                "pomUrl": ""
            "directDependency": false,
            "projects": [
                    "projectName": "WST_464",
                    "projectToken": "29a15e6d3d7744c09a3b9975e4bd6d702da71f13a0ab434aadd6a27f4db07849"
            "sha1": "2b8e230d2ab644e4ecaa94db7cdedbc40c805dfa",
            "name": "XML Pull Parsing API",
            "artifactId": "xmlpull",
            "version": "",
            "groupId": "xmlpull",
            "licenses": [
                    "name": "Public Domain",
                    "url": "",
                    "references": [
                            "referenceType": "POM file",
                            "reference": ""
            "copyrightReferences": []

Get Licenses Histogram

This API request enables you to get a licenses histogram for a given organization, product, or project.

Get Licenses Histogram - Organization

Get a histogram of licenses and their number of occurrences for an organization.


requestTypeAPI request type that returns a histogram of an organization’s licenses.stringYes
orgTokenAPI key which is a unique identifier of the organization. Used to identify the organization in plugins.stringYes
userKeyThe ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend.stringYes

Request Example

	"requestType" : "getOrganizationLicenseHistogram",
    "userKey": "user_key", 
	"orgToken" : "organization_api_key"

Response Example (JSON)

The JSON response lists all the licenses and their number of occurrences in the specified organization. For example:

    "licenseHistogram": {
        "Unlicense": 4,
        "GPL 3.0": 11,
        "Apache 2.0": 331,
        "Apache 1.1": 4,
        "Mozilla 2.0": 1,
        "Mozilla 1.1": 2,
        "PIL Software License": 1,
        "Suspected Proprietary": 1,
        "GPL 2.0": 18,
        "ICU License": 1,
        "CC0": 4,
        "BSD": 12,
        "LGPL": 9,
        "Academic 2.1": 1,
        "Unspecified License": 19,
        "CC BY 3.0": 1,
        "ISC": 79,
        "Common Public 1.0": 3,
        "Oracle Binary (Java SE and JavaFX)": 1,
        "Ruby": 5,
        "Bouncy Castle License": 1,
        "Eclipse 1.0": 31,
        "Artistic 2.0": 2,
        "CDDL 1.0": 4,
        "CDDL 1.1": 27,
        "Indiana University Extreme!": 3,
        "Suspected Apache 2.0": 1,
        "Unknown License": 26,
        "Dom4j": 1,
        "Custom": 1,
        "Public Domain": 6,
        "CDDL or GPLv2 with exceptions": 1,
        "BSD 2": 22,
        "BSD 3": 62,
        "Python 2.0": 2,
        "WTFPL": 2,
        "LGPL 3.0": 4,
        "LGPL 2.1": 55,
        "MIT": 885,
        "JTidy License": 1,
        "Jacob": 1,
        "GPL 2.0 Classpath": 18

Get Licenses Histogram - Product

Get a histogram of a product’s licenses and their number of occurrences.


requestTypeAPI request type that returns a history of a product’s licenses.stringYes
productTokenUnique identifier of the product.stringYes
userKeyThe ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend.stringYes

Request Example

	"requestType" : "getProductLicenseHistogram", 
	 "userKey": "user_key",
	"productToken" : "product_token"

Response Example (JSON)

The JSON response lists all the licenses and their number of occurrences for the specified product. For example:

    "licenseHistogram": {
        "Artistic 2.0": 2,
        "Apache 2.0": 43,
        "Unknown License": 3,
        "Mozilla 2.0": 1,
        "GPL 2.0": 3,
        "BSD 2": 2,
        "BSD 3": 6,
        "BSD": 2,
        "ISC": 1,
        "LGPL 3.0": 1,
        "MIT": 45,
        "Ruby": 5,
        "Jacob": 1

Get Licenses Histogram - Project

Get a histogram of a project’s licenses and their number of occurrences.


requestTypeAPI request type that returns a project’s licenses histogram.stringYes
projectTokenUnique identifier of the project.stringYes
userKeyThe ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend.stringYes

Request Example

	"requestType" : "getProjectLicenseHistogram",
    "userKey": "user_key", 
	"projectToken" : "project_token"

Response Example (JSON)

The JSON response lists the licenses and their number of occurrences for the specified project. For example:

	"licenseHistogram" : {
		"Apache 2.0" : 2,
		"BSD 3" : 2,
		"GPL 3.0" : 1,

Get Licenses Text Zip File

This API request enables you to get the text of licenses terms and conditions contained in a single zip file, for a product or project.

Get Licenses Text Zip File - Product

Get a Licenses text zip file showing terms and conditions for a product.


requestTypeAPI request type that gets a License text zip file for a product.stringYes
productTokenUnique identifier of the product.stringYes
userKeyThe ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend.stringYes

Request Example

	"requestType" : "getLicensesTextZip",
     "userKey": "user_key", 
	"productToken" : "product_token"

Response Format

The response is a zip file, not a JSON formatted message. It will have the following headers:

  • Content-Type = application/zip

  • Content-Disposition: attachment;

Get Licenses Text Zip File - Project

This API request enables you to get a Licenses text zip file showing terms and conditions for a project.


requestTypeAPI request type that gets a License text zip file for a project.stringYes
projectTokenUnique identifier of the project.stringYes
userKeyThe ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend.stringYes

Request Example

    "requestType" : "getProjectLicensesTextZip",
     "userKey": "user_key",
    "projectToken" : "project_token"

Response Format

The response is a zip file, not a JSON formatted message. It will have the following headers:

  • Content-Type = application/zip

  • Content-Disposition: attachment;

Get Copyrights Text File

This API request enables you to get a text file of all the Copyrights for a product or project.

Get Copyrights Text File - Product

Get a text file of all the Copyrights for a product.


requestTypeAPI request type that gets a Copyrights text file for a product.stringYes
productTokenUnique identifier of the product.stringYes
userKeyThe ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend.stringYes
showCopyrightExtraDetailsIf you manually change copyright for a given library, when the flag is set to true, it will return the name of the user who modified the copyright assignment, as shown in the Mend Application.stringYes, only in API v1.4

Request Example

	"requestType" : "getCopyrightsTextFile",
     "userKey": "user_key", 
	"productToken" : "product_token",
	"showCopyrightExtraDetails": "true"

Response Format

The response will have the following headers:

  • Content-Type = text/plain

  • Content-Disposition: attachment;

Get Copyrights Text File - Project

Get a text file of all the Copyrights for a project.


requestTypeAPI request type that gets a Copyrights text file for a project.stringYes
projectTokenUnique identifier of the project.stringYes
userKeyThe ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend.stringYes
showCopyrightExtraDetailsIf you manually change copyright for a given library, when the flag is set to true, it will return the name of the user who modified the copyright assignment, as shown in the Mend Application.stringYes, only in API v1.4

Request Example

    "requestType" : "getProjectCopyrightsTextFile",
     "userKey": "user_key",
    "projectToken" : "project_token",
    "showCopyrightExtraDetails": "true"

Response Format

The response will have the following headers:

  • Content-Type = text/plain

  • Content-Disposition: attachment;

Get Notices Text File

This API request enables you to get a text file of all the Notices for a product.

NOTE: This request is available ONLY for products.


requestTypeAPI request type that gets a Notices text file for a product.stringYes
productTokenUnique identifier of the product.stringYes
userKeyThe ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend.stringYes

Request Example

	"requestType" : "getNoticesTextFile",
     "userKey": "user_key", 
	"productToken" : "product_token"

Response Format

The response will have the following headers:

  • Content-Type = text/plain

  • Content-Disposition: attachment;

Set Library Notices

This API request enables you to set a text value for a library’s notice.


requestTypeAPI request type that sets a library notice.stringYes
orgTokenAPI key which is a unique identifier of the organization. Used to identify the organization in plugins.stringYes
userKeyThe ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend.stringYes
libraryUUIDUnique ID of the library in which you want to set the notice.stringYes
textText of the library’s notice that you want to set.stringYes
referenceOptionally, add library reference information to the notice.stringNo

Request Example

  "requestType": "setLibraryNotice",  
  "orgToken" : "org_token", 
  "userKey": "user_key",  
  "libraryUUID": "library_UUID", 
  "text": "text of the notice", 
  "reference": "additional library reference information"

Response Example

    "message": "Successfully set notice"

Get Library Locations

This API request enables you to get the path locations of all libraries in a product or project.

Get Library Locations - Product

Get the path locations of the libraries in a product.


requestTypeAPI request type that gets the library locations for a product.stringYes
productTokenUnique identifier of the product.stringYes
userKeyThe ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend.stringYes

Request Example

	"requestType" : "getProductLibraryLocations",     
     "userKey": "user_key", 
	"productToken" : "product_token"

Response Example (JSON)

"libraryLocations" : [
		"name" : "library_name",
		"keyId" : key_id,
		"keyUuid" : "key_uuid",
		"locations": [
				"path" : "library_location_1\library_name",
				"matchType": "SHA1"
				"path": "library_location_2\\library_name",
				"matchType": "FILENAME"

Get Library Locations - Project

Get the path locations of the libraries in a project.


requestTypeAPI request type that gets the library locations for a project.stringYes
projectTokenUnique identifier of the project.stringYes
userKeyThe ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend.stringYes

Request Example

	"requestType" : "getProjectLibraryLocations",
     "userKey": "user_key", 
	"projectToken" : "project_token"	

Response Example (JSON)

"libraryLocations" : [
		"name" : "library_name",
		"keyId" : key_id,
		"keyUuid" : "key_uuid",
		"locations": [
				"path" : "library_location_1\library_name",
				"dependencyFile" : "home/ubuntu/GiHubRepos/Samples123/pom.xml"	
				"matchType": "SHA1"
				"path": "library_location_2\\library_name",
				"dependencyFile" : "home/ubuntu/GiHubRepos/Samples234/pom.xml"	
				"matchType": "FILENAME"

Get Source Library Info

This API enables users to retrieve a source library from the index.
Use-case: You can use this API to establish the keyUuid of the desired source library for re-mapping source files using the changeOriginLibrary API call.


requestTypeAPI request type that changes the origin library of your source files.stringYes
orgTokenAPI key which is a unique identifier of the organization. Used to identify the organization in plugins.stringYes
userKeyThe ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend.stringYes
ownerThe owner of the source library.stringYes
nameThe name of the source library.stringYes
versionThe version of the source library.stringYes
hostThe platform hosting the source library (e.g., “github”).stringYes
downloadLinkThe link to download the source librarystringNo

Request Example

    "requestType" : "getSourceLibraryInfo",
    "orgToken" : "<yourOrgToken>",
    "userKey": "<yourUserKey>",
    "downloadLink": ""

Response Example

    "keyUuid": "key_Uuid",
    "libraryName": "xerces-c-v1.0.0",
    "url": ""

Change Origin Library

This API request enables you to change the library that is currently matched to the source files in your organization’s inventory.

NOTE: By default, the changeOriginLibrary API runs synchronously. However, this API can also be generated asynchronously to prevent timeouts in large organizations with many projects.


requestTypeAPI request type that changes the origin library of your source files.stringYes
orgTokenAPI key which is a unique identifier of the organization. Used to identify the organization in plugins.stringYes
userKeyThe ID of the user’s profile, which uniquely identifies the user in Mend.stringYes
runAsync“true” or “false” depending on whether or not you want to run the API request asynchronously.booleanNo
targetKeyUuidUnique ID of the library to which you want to change the source files.stringYes
sourceFilesAn array of the source files to be moved.arrayYes
userCommentsOptionally, add a comment to this action.stringNo

Request Example

    "requestType" : "changeOriginLibrary",
    "userKey": "userKey",
    "orgToken" : "orgToken",
    "runAsync": "true",
    "targetKeyUuid": "key-uuid-of-the-source-library-to-change-files",
    "sourceFiles": ["sha1_1", "sha1_2"],
    "userComments": "user-comments"

Response Example

    "message": "Successfully changed origin library"