Filter your search to return items whose property has a specific value. Use the syntax: property:operation:value where a colon (:) separates between property, operation and value.
- Property: the name of the property of the item
- Operation:
- equals - true if the value is identical to this value.
- in - true if the value is identical to one of the items in this comma-separated list. E.g. in:value1,value2,value3
- like - true if the property's value is contained within this value
- regex - true if this regular expression resolves as true. The regex is not case sensitive, and special characters must be escaped with a backslash. Special characters include space, double quote ("), '<', '>', '#', '%', '{', '}', vertical bar ('|'), backslash, '^'. To pass an escaped character in a URL in Postman, encode it first. E.g. to return all items whose value begins with a or A, use regex:^a
- Value: the value of the property.
To combine multiple filters, separate each filter with a semicolon with no space. E.g. property1:operation1:value1;property2:operation2:value2
This endpoint supports filtering on the following properties and its supported operators:
- description:[like | equals | regex]:value
- directDependency:[like | equals | regex]:value
- hasNotice:[like | equals | regex]:value
- license:[like | equals | regex | in]:value
- locations:[like | equals | regex]:value
- name:[like | equals | regex]:value
- numberOfLicenses:[equals | gt]:value
- projectName:[like | equals | regex]:value
- type:[like | in | equals | regex]:value