Mend Static Application Security Testing Solution Web API
Mend Static Application Security Testing Solution Web API
DTO with finding properties to update (unset properties will not be changed)
{ "findings": [ "string" ], "patchOperation": { "customSeverity": "string", "reviewed": true, "suppressed": true, "suppressionReason": "string" } }
{ "message": "Operation succeeded", "result": null, "success": true }
No request payload
[ { "ageRating": 0, "almIssues": { … }, "appId": "string", "baseline": true, "comments": [ … ], "confidenceRating": 0, "createdTime": "string", "dataFlows": [ … ], "description": "string", "hasRemediation": true, "id": "string", "isNew": true, "projectId": "string", "rating": 0, "reviewed": true, "scanId": "string", "severity": "string", "severityRating": 0, "sharedStep": { … }, "snapshotId": "string", "suppressed": true, "suppressedBy": "string", "suppressionMessage": "string", "suppressionTime": "string", "type": { … }, "workflowViolations": [ … ], "workflowViolationsCount": 0 } ]
DTO with finding properties to update (unset properties will not be changed)
If set, it has to be either <em>High</em>, <em>Medium</em> or <em>Low</em>. Case insensitive, all values are converted to have the first letter uppercase and others lowercase, e.g. <em>High</em>.
{ "customSeverity": "string", "reviewed": true, "suppressed": true, "suppressionReason": "string" }
{ "message": "Operation succeeded", "result": null, "success": true }
{ "body": "string" }
{ "message": "Operation succeeded", "result": null, "success": true }
No request payload
[ { "ageRating": 0, "confidenceRating": 0, "createdTime": "string", "filter": { … }, "functionCalls": [ … ], "id": "string", "inputFlow": [ … ], "inputKind": "string", "inputSource": "string", "isNew": true, "rating": 0, "sink": "string", "sinkFile": "string", "sinkKind": "string", "sinkLine": 0, "sinkSnippet": "string" } ]
No request payload